the cynical one

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Avril Lavigne

it is both difficult and easy to be happy. sounds paradoxical? yes it is. it is another fact of life. but more often than not, we always fail to realise when we are feeling happy. most of the time we are blinded from the fact that we are being in a position where we could be very happy. how to realise that we are happy? i don;t have that answer. we can always feel happy one moment, and suddenly the next moment we are not happy. even when it is status quo. it is an extremely queer situation but it happens all the time.

giving an example would be we got into a school. you are happy because people there are nice and caring. you are also happy because being in the school gives you a good feeling. but however, at the same time you realise that the diffculties you are facing is to meet up with the raising standards. you feel you cannot cope, it makes you frustrated and vexed. you feel unhappy. so what do you do?
But, at the same time, a poor person looks in the direction of the school in the opposite road. he cannot go to school because he does not have money. shouldn;t this gives you a reason to feel happy because you got a chance to study, make friends and have fun?

As stated in the example, people are unhappy with the way and standard of life. but they are also at the same time happy because of the family and friends they have here. but comparing the society to a society that is troubled and filled with tension. how would you feel now? sometimes we just need to look at the bigger picture.

to be happy, we need to do whatever it takes to make us happy, even in the process of doing so makes us so unhappy. it sounds complicated but we need to travel the road that is tough and rough. we chose the path we want. it doesn;t matter what other people say about your journey, but you must know where you are going. we also cannot be happy alone. we need people around so as to feel the happiness. sharing pain is happiness. what would you do if you had all the money in the world but no one to share it with and what would you do if you have no money in the world but with everyone to share it with.

what do you think?


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