the cynical one

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

making the difference

there was one poster speaking about making the difference. it talks about many starfishes stuck on the beach. a little boy came up to a starfish and took it back to the sea. he wanted a save all the starfish but a man told him it was impossible because there were simply too many starfishes to be saved. the little boy told the man, at least i made a difference to that starfish.

its true that sometimes we want to help those in need. as much as we can possibly can. but how sincere are we about helping? everyone can say they want to help. its easy to say, but how much are we willing to help? the boy was sincere, because even though he said he wanted to save all the starfish, all he could do within his means was to save one starfish. but he made the effort, the effort which made the difference.

we should start asking ourselves, how much are we willing to help others in need? consider those complete strangers and even friends whom we aren;t close to. must one have reason to help those in need?

sometimes, we help others because it is convenient to do so. if it is inconvenient, we would reject them. its true, that we need to look after ourselves first before looking after others, but sometimes, it is worth the sacrifice.

what do you think?


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