the cynical one

Friday, February 10, 2006

The fifth element

confidence is a special weapon that you must have. if you have it, it does wonders to you. it is your only protection in this society and gives you certain power. it also does make you a different person. once you have it, you feel different. and you can do alot more things with better efficiency.

comparing it with someone who doesn;t have it. you can tell just by how he lives his life. life will be sluggish, and he will become like a human doormat. which is not good. he tend to believes that he will not be able to do alot of things where actually, he is physically capable of doing it. he just believes he doesn;t have the strength. when you have it, there is nothing that can stop you. not only he believes nothing can stop him, he would even want to go further and futher till the end.

you can even smoke someone into believing that you can do a task.

you see what difference it can make?

what do you think?


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