the cynical one

Monday, May 01, 2006


Expect the unexpected. you really never know what can happen to you. you may be prepared for something that you know that is coming, but has it occured to you that it what may happen is actually the tip of the ice berg? in other words, you may be prepared. but are you 100% prepared? the chances are that you are unlikely to be 100% prepared. the future is unexpected. but when it happens it is up to you to control the present.

the bottom line is that you must make the best out of the situation. people have choices, but when you made a choice, you may initially believe that it is the best choice. but you never know when the unexpected can occur. you maybe were expecting something else, but something which you never would believe can occur has occured. so what if you were prepared? being prepared means you have the ability to minimise the impact that you expect and hope that experience would help you overcome the unexpected situation. with tons of experience, it would also be likely you can also minimise the unexpected impact to a certain extent.

are you prepared? prepared for the unknown?

what do you think?


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