the cynical one

Monday, October 30, 2006


Its important to treasure your loved ones around you. you;ll never know when they will not be around anymore. many a times, people take others for granted and thats when suddenly they are not around then they will feel very regretful that they never spend enough time with them and stuffs like that.

its hard to treasure every single one 24/7. because all is human. but i believe that as long as you did show care and concern and think about them once in a while. you did spend quality time that both will remember and that it will last till the end. thats the best.

but never ever bear grudges, because you;ll eventually regret it with time. conflicts may occur, but remember to resolve them. don;t leave the grudge hanging and waiting for the other party to give in. because sometimes, they will never have a chance to give in.

love, value it. smile, keep it.

In loving memory. My deepest condolances to you, my bestest buddy.


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