the cynical one

Saturday, November 11, 2006


it really frustrates people when you tried to explain matters but people not only they don;t listen, they accuse you of not explaining. doesn;t sound logical does it? but its a doggy dog world out there and people will go all the way out to save their own ass. and will do anything even if it means sacrificing anyone to save their own face and image.

most of the time, complication occurs because there is usually a misunderstanding somewhere and when that happens, the common reaction is to point fingers at others. and accusing people of things they don;t intend to do, does not solve any problems. venting anger on others will make one feel better only for a while and only for that period of time. taking revenge on others does not show you how much superior you are, it only shows that you don;t have respect for others and yourself. jumping to conclusions will only irritate others and still doesn;t solve the problem.

take time out, sort things out peacefully and calmly. no need to rush into blaming people, because it only makes one very angry. it is indeed sabotage to wash dirty linen in public unless you totally dislike the person and want to get back to the person. not that it is wrong, but one will be more respected if you clarified matters privately. unless you feel that one should be shamed in public because you feel the person deserved it totally.

however, this society is filled with people who just loves to play punk with others. and it is not wrong, it is just simply another way of doing things. you just lose the respect of others, thats all.

what do you think?


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