the cynical one

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


keeping things in perspective, people say that education is all about opportunity and expanding your horizons. but some part of it is about shrinking people, about teaching them that they are not the measure of everything.

what do you think?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


the car is for transportation from one place to another. its not for speeding, and overtaking others just because they cut your lane. people will get killed if not careful, and its not being considerate to others anyway.

money earned is to buy what you need to live comfortably and not for buying what you already have and claiming that you don;t have enough. you have more than enough, you;re just trying to avoid being labelled as boring, and have no fashion sense. having a fashion sense doesn;t give you common sense. neither does it feed you. don;t spend it on going out to socialise and make friends. surely you didn;t spend your money to exhaust yourself till you can;t wake up the next morning without a headache right?

the phone is used to communicate with loved ones and friends. not to show off the latest model and the latest feature. it defeats the purpose if the other secondary and tertiary functions over runs the primary function.

try to understand that there must be some sense of responsibilities over the materialistic luxuries that we owned. its being abused by some, not all. certain level of maturity is needed to handle all things that we owned. take responsibility and ownership of your own items. because there are others who have none.

what do you think?

Monday, May 07, 2007

greed II

don;t be too greedy, in your bid to get everything, you may just lose everything along the way. everything and everyone close to your heart. you may even lose yourself.

when you can;t acknowledge that, it means that loses are coming your way soon enough.

what do you think?

Saturday, May 05, 2007


are we consumed by greed? everything that we do, somehow is never enough. we earn a sum of money, after a while, people want more and more and when will it ever end? some say its our goals and aspiration to earn alot of money but when would it ever be enough? sometimes i feel that people are easily consumed by greed. initially i thought it was their aims, but after a while, i felt it was greed.

this is an affluent society, there is enough food and clothes. nice homes and transport system. but we want classy food, we want branded clothes. we want bigger houses and sports cars. we want these, we want that. even that is not enough, we want more.

enough is losing its meaning because not many people understands it in the first place. some say they have big goals and dreams. and i wonder if there was an end point in that big goals and dreams. i wonder if satisfaction exists these days. people say i am easily contented, i say i;m not greedy.

what do you think?