the cynical one

Sunday, April 22, 2007

the fish

"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."

--Albert Einstein

why must there be only one way to determined a person;s current estimated potential? as stated in the quote, we know that not every one can climb a tree. on the other hand, we know we need to climb the tree eventually to survive. but we also know that this quote is not a universal quote.

what do you think?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

42 years

things changes and it changes real fast. this society is especially fast in changes. in roughly 40 years, a nation rise up from almost nothing to something. however, the changes are just simply too fast. the pictures i see from postcards that are on sale in the bookshops are going to be outdated soon. what was there, won;t be there soon and what wasn;t there, will be there soon. few famous landmarks will be taken out, and buildings will rise from empty grounds.

somehow after all these changes, it tells us that we have to be adaptable at all times. we have to change to keep up with the times. the world keeps on moving and it doesn;t stop for anyone and we should not be living in the past. but look forward in the future. but sometimes, its the past that gives us the motivation and inspiration to move ahead. if the past was taken away, won;t it be like taking away the motivation and the inspiration that has brought us so far ahead today?

the society and environment has changed drastically, is it for the better or is it for the worst, only time will tell. but for now, the reality is such and treasuring whats left of it will leave us memories that will motivate and inspire. i wished things didn;t changed this fast. soon, i won;t be able to recognise it anymore.

what do you think?

Saturday, April 07, 2007


the uniqueness of the park is that it has a jekyll and hyde identity. the park is somewhat separated into 2 by a tunnel. which i call the tunnel of time. because when you go thru it and come out of it, you;ll feel you have either gone back in time, or ahead of time.

one side of it is bustling with activities. families having their picnics, father cycling with their sons, mothers skating with their daughters. happiness fills the air as there is a macdonalds not too far away from the big open space, where a huge unique playground that doesn;t even have a swing. a gigantic field with many football teams pitting their skills against one another, and numerous people flying kites ranging from a parachute look-a-like to a simple kite which you can easily make at home.

as you go thru the sea of faces, you;ll realise and feel the happiness in every one of them. makes you feel how peaceful the country is whereby you can feel the freedom. there is no tension of any sort. makes you feel so blessed because elsewhere in the same planet, the situation is totally not the same. comparing Iraq, this country is definitely in a much much better position. sometimes, i feel we do take the peace in our country for granted. we don;t face natural disasters nor any sort of political struggle. you feel the peace around you which should be cherished and thank God for it.

the other side of the park is virtually empty. the difference is the lush greenery and that it doesn;t have a macdonalds which attracts the crowd. there are many bird sanctuaries around this side, and there is a nice pond. this side of it is definitely closer to nature than its other half. its tranquil as its quieter too. time passes slower here as compared to its fast paced surroundings of the park. you feel the peace within yourself. you appreciate nature at its best over here.

there you have it, the same place, 2 different levels of activities.

what do you think?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

making the difference

there was one poster speaking about making the difference. it talks about many starfishes stuck on the beach. a little boy came up to a starfish and took it back to the sea. he wanted a save all the starfish but a man told him it was impossible because there were simply too many starfishes to be saved. the little boy told the man, at least i made a difference to that starfish.

its true that sometimes we want to help those in need. as much as we can possibly can. but how sincere are we about helping? everyone can say they want to help. its easy to say, but how much are we willing to help? the boy was sincere, because even though he said he wanted to save all the starfish, all he could do within his means was to save one starfish. but he made the effort, the effort which made the difference.

we should start asking ourselves, how much are we willing to help others in need? consider those complete strangers and even friends whom we aren;t close to. must one have reason to help those in need?

sometimes, we help others because it is convenient to do so. if it is inconvenient, we would reject them. its true, that we need to look after ourselves first before looking after others, but sometimes, it is worth the sacrifice.

what do you think?